We are proud to announce new ownership.
We are now Bridgeton Auto Mall.

Anthony Smith Memorial Scholarship

Anthony Smith Memorial Scholarship

Tony Smith was a service advisor at the Bob Novick dealership for over 30 years. He worked tirelessly to ensure that every day ran as smooth as possible in the service department. Many of Tony's customers have told us that his dedication to them will never be matched. When not serving customers, he was dedicated to serving the Cumberland County community. An animal lover, he volunteered for the SPCA for years. His generosity was contagious, and he inspired the Bob Novick dealership to support the SPCA's animal health and adoption services.

We honored his memory by donating $1000 to a student who demonstrated Tony's generous spirit and dedicated work ethic. The recipient of the scholarship was

Bob Novick Auto Mall will grant the Tony Smith Memorial Scholarship to a high school senior intending to go to Cumberland County College. We are looking for a student with a demonstrated commitment to the community and to their studies. Preference for applications will be given to those with financial need.

Talk to your high school guidance counselor. You will submit your application materials to your high school. Each public high school in Cumberland County will then select a candidate for consideration to the college. Applications for the fall semester will be accepted starting April 1, 2014.

You can see more scholarships available for prospective first-year students at the Cumberland County College Scholarship Foundation.